Night of the Walking Red IV

Join The League of Extraordinary Red Heads for their fourth annual “Night of the Walking Red” event at Ryan's Wake Public House, located at 403 River Street in downtown Troy, N.Y., on Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 5:00 p.m. till 8:30 p.m.

The fiery festivities feature an upstate New York autumnal rite known as the “Toast of Coppertops,” during which members of The League of Extraordinary Red Heads raise glasses of Saranac Pumpkin Ale. As is their custom, the League will also discuss the items on their concise meeting agenda: “1) Us. 2) Them.” Afterwards, live musical entertainment will be provided by the Red Haired Strangers.

Free tasting samples and glassware profided by 2 Gingers Whiskey.

**Group photo @ 6:15 p.m. sunset. **

There will be a photo booth courtesy of Cafe Deli-icious.

This is event is free and open to all.

Events typically attract more than 125 members.

RSVP and invite your friends at our Facebook event:


Red Tsunami Hits Troy in Ryan’s Wake


Red Headed Vikings!